tekukur biasa bahasa Inggris
- tekukur: turtledove
- biasa: accustomed; banal; be wont to; commonly;
- burung tekukur: cuckoo
- tekukur passenger: passenger pigeon
- biasa: accustomed; banal; be wont to; commonly; customary; familiar; homely; informal; normal; ordinary; trivial; usual; wont; workaday; common; everyday; given; habitual; make a practice of; mediocre; reg
- burung sewah tekukur besar: large hawk-cuckoo
- burung tekukur api: little cuckoo-dove
- tekukur api gunung: barred cuckoo-dove
- tekukur merbuk balam: spotted dove
- air biasa: branch water
- anggota biasa: serviceman; military personnel; military man; man
- arnab biasa: domestic hare
- baju biasa: civilian clothes
- belum biasa: not as yet common
- betet biasa: red-breasted parakeet
- This species was formerly included in the genus Streptopelia, but a 2001 study based on molecular sequence as well as vocalization indicated that it and the laughing dove (Streptopelia senegalensis) stood out from the other taxa then included in Streptopelia.
Spesies ini mulanya termasuk dalam genus Streptopelia terapi dalam studi pada tahun 2001 berdasarkan urutan molekul dan juga vokalisasi mengindikasikan bahwa spesies ini bersama dengan Streptopelia senegalensis yang mencolok dari taksa yang tersisa yang menyebabkan tekukur biasa masuk pada genus Streptopelia.